Honey Flavored Tears Page 9
Pierre sat at home feeling so bored and alone. This was the first time he has been off of work and not chilling with Kevin. Usually their schedules would match up; they would work on the same days and be off on the same days. The first time that he was off now Kevin had to work. What made matters worse Jaidyn was off work and out hanging with Ava. He noticed that Jaidyn had been hanging out with Ava a lot more lately. Maybe it was because he had been too busy hanging with Kevin lately. Jaidyn was being nice and keeping her company or maybe it was something else that he didn’t know about. Whatever it was, he was going to get to the bottom of it sooner or later.
Pierre was cut short of his thoughts by someone calling him on his Skype. He looked to see who the call was coming from. “Oh wow who is Promise.Me.Love?” he asked as he answered the call. To his surprise it was Promise. “Hey Promise what’s up?” He asked.
“Hey Pierre how are you I hope I’m not bothering you at a bad time,” she said.
“No, you’re fine. What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to say sorry for inconveniencing you,” she said.
“What do you mean what’s going on?” Pierre asked wanting to know what’s going on with Ava and Promise.
“I thought me sending Ava up there would help me clear my mind but ever since she’s been out there she’s been constantly texting me and harassing me. I’m to the point where I don’t want her to come back,” Promise explained.
“Okay I’m pretty sure you’re just acting off of anger Promise. I think if you just clear your head some more then you can make decisions better.”
“No Pierre you don’t understand. It was my idea to move down to Georgia not Ava. I wanted to get a better education out here and Ava just wanted to follow behind me so she can keep tabs on me. Me being so in love with her, I didn’t want to live without her but lately we have been arguing a lot because of her having trust issues.”
“Why doesn’t she trust you?” Pierre asked still trying to make sense of what’s been going on.
“I guess it’s because she feels I made plans to move to Georgia without her. When I brought up the idea of me wanting to move to Georgia so I could go to school down here, she got upset because I didn’t say the word us when I mentioned moving down here. Ever since then she has been questioning my love for her. Whenever I’m out of her sight she blows my phone up to see if I’m with another girl.” At that moment Promise paused then began crying. “One time she choked me up when I got back to the apartment because I didn’t answer her phone calls and text messages quick enough. She’s turning into a person that I don’t know. She snaps whenever she sees a girl looking my way like it’s my fault.”
“Wow she made it seem like she was just up here visiting her family for a couple of weeks but when I noticed she was here longer than she was supposed to be that’s when she told me y’all were having problems but she didn’t go into full details of what the problems were,” Pierre said.
“To visit her parents? Her parents haven’t stayed in Michigan for over two years now. They moved to Florida,” Promise said.
“So that’s why she’s been staying here lately,” Pierre replied.
“Or at a hotel, every other day I’m transferring money into her bank account so she can rent a room.”
“Why are you doing that for her after what she’s put you through?”
“Pierre despite what she has done, I still love her. Besides, I feel if I don’t do it she will come back here and hurt me much worse than she already has. I have a restraining order against her and that doesn’t even matter to her. She still calls me and makes threats…I don’t know what to do.”
At that moment, Pierre heard voices in the hallway and they sounded like they were coming near his apartment. He knew it had to be Jaidyn and Ava. “Listen Promise, that’s Ava coming in now. Don’t worry about a thing I will take care of it from here on out,” he said,
“Ok thank you.”
Pierre ended the call as soon as the front door opened.
“Hey Pierre,” Jaidyn and Ava said to him in unison as they came in and Jaidyn closed the door behind them.
“Hey,” Pierre replied.
“So what were you doing?” Ava asked.
“Oh nothing just got off of Skype,” Pierre said nonchalantly.
“With who?” Ava asked.
“Not anyone you know,” Pierre said getting a little defensive, hoping Ava would back down with all the questions she was asking.
“My bad for being nosy,” Ava said leaving it at that.
“So where have y’all been?” Pierre asked.
“Oh we went out to this summer festival downtown that they always hold right around the fourth of July,” Jaidyn said as she headed back to her room to change into something comfortable.
“Oh yeah Jai, I got to talk to you about something later on,” Pierre yelled back to her.
“Okay,” she said in return. Ava was giving Pierre a dirty look but he never noticed.
“Well don’t let me interrupt. I’ll just be heading on my way,” Ava said.
“Where you staying at tonight?” Pierre asked.
“At my parent’s house, where else?” Ava asked. Pierre could sense attitude in her voice so he let her leave. He didn’t know who was telling the truth, Promise or Ava but he knew he had to warn Jaidyn either way of the trouble she could possibly be in.
Sunday night rolled around and Zariah was ready for her date that Isaiah had planned for her. She took a look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was curly and hanging down to her shoulders resulting from her braiding her hair and rolling it up five hours before. She had on a black polyester long sleeve v-neck dress that showed her cleavage just right and hugged her ass too. “Okay Yolanda how do I look?” She asked as she turned to look at Yolanda. Yolanda stood there in the doorway of the bathroom smiling.
“You look beautiful sweetie. Just go out and have a good time and remember to leave stress here and pick it back up when you come back home,” she said in return. Zariah sucked her teeth and laughed in return.
“Girl you are something else,” Zariah said as she applied some black eyeliner to her eyes.
“Alright I’ll see you later,” Yolanda said as she gave her cousin a hug and watched her walk out the door like it was her first date all over again.
Zariah stood in front of his apartment door. She sighed deeply and knocked on his door. He opened it standing there in a black Armani suit with a bouquet of red and white roses in his hand. “Hello beautiful,” he said.
“Hey,” she replied with a content smile on her face. Isaiah looked at her from head to toe and licked his lips slowly.
“I see we think alike when it comes to colors,” he said as he looked back up at Zariah’s eyes.
“Yeah we complement each other,” Zariah replied. Isaiah moved to the side and let her come in. Zariah’s eyes almost popped out their sockets when she saw the scenery Isaiah set out for her. There were red and white roses all over the carpet leading up to a circular glass table with dinner by candle light. The window view showed the Canada Bridge lit up, Zariah felt like she was in paradise.
“So what do you think?” Isaiah asked as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Zariah almost lost her breath as she felt the imprint of his dick pressing against her ass.
“Um it’s nice in here,” she finally replied as she was coming back to reality.
“Are you sure?” He asked showing off his million dollar smile.
“Yes you know how to treat a woman,” she replied with a smile upon her face. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
“And it only gets better from here,” he replied. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the table. There were two plates of lobster tails over yellow rice with broccoli and lemon on the side.
“Wow this looks delicious,”
an amazed Zariah said.
“Not as delicious as you,” he said. He pulled out her chair and tapped the seat for her to sit down. She did as she was told and they sat there having dinner and small talk while sipping on pink Moscato.
“So how are you feeling?” Isaiah asked after dinner was done.
“I feel full and relaxed,” Zariah said in return with a chuckle.
“That’s good to hear. I’m glad I can satisfy you to my full potential,” he replied.
“Yes you have.” Silence circulated between them for a minute. “What’s on your mind Zariah asked.
“You,” he replied staring her deep into her eyes from across the table.
“Oh stop,” Zariah replied smiling.
“No I’m serious,” Isaiah said with a serious expression on his face. “I want you. I’ve wanted you since I first seen you at the club. I’m craving you. I want you now.”
Zariah could feel a tingling sensation between her thighs again. She had to admit it had been almost two months since she last had sex with Quincy. Lately she had been too distant and depressed to even get turned on by him. It was about that time that she was due for some sexual healing. “So what’s stopping you?” She found herself asking. He bit his bottom lip and got up from the table and walked over to her.
“So you do admit that you want me too,” he said to her as he forced her to look into his eyes. Zariah felt like she was in a trance at this moment. He licked her lips with the tip of his tongue. “Am I right?” He asked.
“Yes,” was all Zariah could say above a whisper. Isaiah chuckled and bit his bottom lip again. He pulled her chair back and turned her towards him. He got on his knees and grabbed her by the waist. He pushed her dress back and pushed her thighs apart.
Zariah’s throat went dry and her heart was pounding against her chest as she felt his face in between her thighs. The warmness of his breath against her lower lips made her feel like she was going to have a heart attack before the sex even happened.
After ten minutes of Isaiah making love to her pussy with his mouth and getting three orgasms out of it he came up for air and wiped his mouth. Zariah sat there trying to catch her breath. Isaiah smiled knowing he had her where he wanted her. He undressed himself then undressed her slowly. He picked her with force and wrapped her around his waist. He pressed her up against the window and began fucking her right there, letting whoever passed by see a free porno up and close if they wanted to.
“OOOOOOHHHH MY GOOOOOOOD!!!!!” Zariah screamed out as she exploded on his dick some minutes later.
“I’m just getting started baby,” he said as he carried her into the bedroom and closed the door. Anything and everything was possible to try and he was going to take advantage of it all and show Zariah what she had been missing all of her life.
Jaidyn’s P.O.V.
“Hey boo, how are you today?” I heard Pierre ask me that Monday evening as I strolled into the house tired from work. “I’m good how are you?” I asked as I put my belongings down on the table and went and sat on the couch.
“Here you go,” Pierre said as he handed me a champagne glass with our favorite signature drink in it, extra smooth vodka and slushy orange juice.
“Oh you must have read my mind,” I said taking a sip of the drink and feeling better now.
“You’re welcome and to answer your question I am good too,” Pierre replied as he sat down on the couch next to me.
“How did you know I needed this drink?” I asked.
“Trust me we all need a drink when we come home from a long day of work,” Pierre replied as he took a sip of his drink.
“So you in for the night?” I asked him. He nodded his head yes. I was shocked. “What you mean to tell me you’re not spending time with Kevin tonight?” I asked.
“Nope, believe it or not but I told him I need to spend time with my girl tonight. I mean I really have been neglecting you lately.”
“Awww Pierre you don’t have to feel bad. You’re happy again and you’re spending time with someone who has potential to be in your life for a while. Do you know how long I have wanted this for you?”
Pierre sighed and smiled. “Yes I must admit I’m falling hard for Kevin. You know it feels good to go out in public and he’s not afraid to show affection to me. I’ve wanted that since forever. Now I don’t feel like me coming out of the closet was a waste of time it was for a reason…shit to be honest it seems too good to be true that he is in my life?”
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
“It just does, I feel like sooner or later God is going to take him from me,” Pierre replied.
“Hey don’t say that,” I said. I turned Pierre’s eyes to look at mine. “What you are feeling is real. It’s time for you to start accepting this gift God has planted into your life.” Pierre smiled in return and left what I said at that.
“So do you mind if I ask you a question?” Pierre asked.
“Go ahead,” I said.
“What’s up with you and Ava?” I knew this conversation was going to come sooner or later and I respected Pierre too much to lie to him. I had to tell him the truth.
“To be honest Pierre, we are getting close with each other,” I came out and said. Pierre looked surprise but didn’t pass judgment on me.
“Is this what you want?” he asked.
“Yes, I don’t know what it is but Ava has a way of making me feel comfortable and happy. I am falling in comfort with her, you know.” I was hoping he could understand where I was coming from. He nodded his head to let me know he understood where I was coming from.
“Well I don’t want you to think I’m judging you when I say this but I need you to understand something…living life as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender is never easy to live with and society makes it that way. This is not something that we can live with being comfortable with everyday. There are certain privileges we don’t have that heterosexuals do have.”
“I understand that,” I replied.
“Please understand that people who are homosexual have died in hate crimes. We get judged by people of religion and looked at like we are diseased and shouldn’t even be on this earth. So I need you to understand this lifestyle we live isn’t something we just choose one day out the blue it’s something that we struggle with when we are born. We can’t understand at first why we don’t fit in with the norm and then when we finally do understand, we choose to accept it. So Jai if this is something that you’re doing to get over the hurt of Quincy, please don’t do it if you aren’t serious about it. You don’t want to deal with the hatred and evil that we have to deal with every day.”
Sitting there listening to Pierre it gave me a reality check and better understanding of what the LGBTQ community has to deal with. Seeing him get teary eyed made me understand his pain better as well. Pierre and I have had deep conversations before but not once have I ever asked him how he felt about being gay…now I see. He accepted himself but felt pain from not being able to fully express it to the world.
“I understand everything that you are saying Pierre. I can assure you that Ava and I aren’t moving in that direction of being together. We just have fun together and Lord knows I have wanted to laugh and have fun for a long time now. Quincy took a part of me away that I can probably never get back but I’m learning to be okay with the pain he caused me. I’m not going to lie I have kissed Ava, I even let her sleep in my bed a couple times but I promise you it has not gone further than that.”
“Are you sure Ava feels the same way?” he asked me.
“I believe so,” I replied.
“Well you just make sure y’all are on the same page with that,” he said. “But there is something I think you should know about Ava.”
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Has she ever told you of her past relationship?” He asked me.
“No, we haven’t really known each other that
long besides I haven’t told her anything about Quincy and I don’t really think I want to know the past. It’s the past for a reason.”
“Well I think you should know about this past because it may change your perspective of her,” Pierre replied.
“Pierre you know I’m not the type of person to stop talking to someone over some he say she say stuff.”
“I know Jai I’m just saying you should know Ava can be very jealous and sometimes her jealousy can lead to her getting violent.”
“And how do you know this?” I asked shocked that I was questioning my friend’s judgment of Ava. Was I catching feelings for her and just didn’t want to admit it?
“I’ve known Ava for a long time Jai and I know how her attitude can be but I just had a talk with her ex Promise on Skype the other day and she told me lately Ava has had trust issues and sometimes would get violent with her,” Pierre explained.
“Okay but Pierre that’s the past and you never know maybe Promise lead her to be jealous, females can be conniving but what I’m saying is that you don’t have to explain any of this to me because like I said before I’m not going to let anything get out of hand between Ava and I.”
Pierre looked me in my eyes like there was something else he wanted to say but instead of saying it he just said, “Okay just looking out for you that’s all.”
“I know and I love you for it,” I replied.
“Duh because I’m lovable bitch,” he replied causing me to laugh. I laid my head on his shoulder. I missed my friend and I’m glad we finally got to spend some time with each other. We sipped on our drink and watched a marathon of “George Lopez” on Nick at Night and laughed our asses off.
Chapter 12
Author’s P.O.V.
Quincy sat out in his car drinking on some Hennessey thinking about how his life got to the point that it was in. There’s something deeper that’s causing you to act like this and you need to figure out what it is.